Category: Series

Heidi Sees

Heidi Sees by David R. Michael

Heidi Sees – Book 1

Heidi Crolley sees ghosts. She doesn’t know why, but it probably has something to do with her father, who died when she was eight. Her mother never believed her, which is 100% why Heidi lives half a continent away.

After a childhood of emotional trauma, Heidi has created a quiet life where she can avoid the most demanding of the local ghosts—and any contact with her mother. But on a Sunday afternoon in May, Heidi discovers there is one ghost that can make her go home again…

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available from Amazon and everywhere ebooks are sold!

Gunwitch: The Clockwork Assassin

Gunwitch: The Clockwork Assassin

by David R. Michael

Novel (Rose Bainbridge, Gunwitch Book #3)

Rose Bainbridge, gunwitch, would prefer her return to New Venezia were more discreet. Instead, she’s sailing into the busy port town aboard a known pirate vessel, in the company of the enigmatic orphan Janett Laxton, with the mutilated body of Lord Bernard Fuller in a coffin of ice. The assassin who killed Lord Fuller and–somehow–took his place, has already been in New Venezia for a week.

Who is he? Where is he from? Who will he kill next?

And how do you catch someone who can disguise themselves as anyone?

As Rose prepares to take the body to the authorities and expose the assassin, she wonders if anyone will believe her. And if she’ll be able to keep Janett–who’s magical gifts are becoming difficult to hide–out of trouble.

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!

Alligator, Room 8 (Gator-man #2)

Alligator, Room 8Alligator, Room 8 by David R. Michael

Novella (Gator-man #2)

One year ago, Ash Turner was taken into the swamp, shot in the back of the head, and left for dead.

No longer dead, Ash is now stuck in New Orleans. As the only surviving witness to the “disappearance” of local pillar-of-the-community and suspected crime boss, James Derouen, Detective Marand of the NOPD wants Ash to stay put.

Detective Marand won’t listen, but Ash knows James Derouen isn’t coming back. Not from where Ash saw him “disappear”–down the gullet of an angry alligator god. That same alligator god has twisted Ash’s love for Jamie Derouen, James Derouen’s daughter, into an insatiable need to find her and…

Ash doesn’t want to think about it. He just needs to get out of New Orleans.

Before he can do what he was brought back from the dead to do.

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!

All Hollows Eve (GoSH4)

gosh4-ahe-ebook-300pxAll Hollows Eve by David R. Michael

Novel (The Girls of Spring Hollow Book #4)

A new witch has come to Spring Hollow, just in time for Halloween.

Halloween is Brenna Guin’s favorite time of year. With her new friends, Faye Woods and Lupe Garcia, plus her new abilities–like being able to see in the dark–this year should be the best Halloween ever. If only her mother would stop ruining it for her.

Two nights before Halloween, sneaking out after dark–alone, because even Norv, her pet rat, refuses to cooperate–Brenna encounters Eve Coronelle, the neighborhood’s newest addition.

Brenna has never met Eve, but she has heard about “that Eve Coronelle” all month from her mother. Ever since Eve moved into the quaint gray brick house on Gingerbread Row, her mother has had nothing nice to say about the woman. Her mother had called Eve a witch more than once.

Turns out, her mother was right …

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!

Alligator Bait (Gator-man #1)

Aligator Bait-Thumb-300Alligator Bait by David R. Michael

Novella (Gator-man #1)

One year ago, during Mardi Gras, Ash Turner was pulled from the arms of his lover, Jamie Derouen, by men working for her father. Those men drove Ash into the bayou, shot him in the back of the head, and left his corpse for the alligators. So it comes as a surprise to everyone–including Ash–when he wakes up in the muddy water of the bayou and walks back into New Orleans.

Mardi Gras is once again underway, but Ash isn’t there for the parades or the parties. He’s looking for Jamie. Nothing else seems important any more.

At the same time, though, there are forces looking for him. A police detective interested in a growing pile of missing persons cases. The men who thought they had killed Ash already. And something else. Something unseen that watches Ash from the swamp.

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!