Category: New Release

Heidi Sees

Heidi Sees by David R. Michael

Heidi Sees – Book 1

Heidi Crolley sees ghosts. She doesn’t know why, but it probably has something to do with her father, who died when she was eight. Her mother never believed her, which is 100% why Heidi lives half a continent away.

After a childhood of emotional trauma, Heidi has created a quiet life where she can avoid the most demanding of the local ghosts—and any contact with her mother. But on a Sunday afternoon in May, Heidi discovers there is one ghost that can make her go home again…

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available from Amazon and everywhere ebooks are sold!

”Tiny Corrosions”

”Tiny Corrosions” by David R. Michael

Short Story (9000 words)

Damon Simpson, corporate negotiator, has ordered his life to the smallest detail. But when a face from Damon’s hidden past appears, those haunting eyes threaten to shatter his concentration—and maybe destroy his career and marriage. Can he get back on script? Or will his life fall apart?

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available from Amazon and everywhere ebooks are sold!

”A Long Route Home, and Busy”

”A Long Route Home, and Busy” by David R. Michael

Short Story (6700 words)

It’s a rainy night on the commuter bus. “One at a time,” the bus driver says. “We’re all in a hurry.” Office drone Kent Fleming, who rides this bus home every evening, is in no rush. He will be on the bus to the end of the line. But someone new is on the bus tonight, and the trip will be anything but peaceful.

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available from Amazon and everywhere ebooks are sold!

The Very Hungry Zombie

The Very Hungry Zombie
by David R. Michael

Beware the very hungry zombie!

A counting book for the zombie apocalypse.

Now available on Amazon!

Free Preview!

Available on Amazon in trade paperback and ebook formats!

Gunwitch: The Clockwork Assassin

Gunwitch: The Clockwork Assassin

by David R. Michael

Novel (Rose Bainbridge, Gunwitch Book #3)

Rose Bainbridge, gunwitch, would prefer her return to New Venezia were more discreet. Instead, she’s sailing into the busy port town aboard a known pirate vessel, in the company of the enigmatic orphan Janett Laxton, with the mutilated body of Lord Bernard Fuller in a coffin of ice. The assassin who killed Lord Fuller and–somehow–took his place, has already been in New Venezia for a week.

Who is he? Where is he from? Who will he kill next?

And how do you catch someone who can disguise themselves as anyone?

As Rose prepares to take the body to the authorities and expose the assassin, she wonders if anyone will believe her. And if she’ll be able to keep Janett–who’s magical gifts are becoming difficult to hide–out of trouble.

Published by Four Crows Landing.

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!